Recommended Application of BRL Rock Minerals+
Vegetable beds
How to use BRL Rock Minerals+ for soil preparation: Apply BRL Rock Minerals+ at a rate of 100–200 g/m2 (1-2 handfuls per square metre) onto the soil and mix in before adding water.
If vegetables are already planted, add a generous layer of BRL Rock Minerals+ to the top of the soil, rake and water.
Recommended rate 1-2 kg/10m2.
Fruit trees / seedings / small plants and others
How to use BRL Rock Minerals+ for Fruit trees, seedlings, small plants and others: Apply BRL Rock Minerals+ by covering the base of the tree to the size of the canopy above, then rake the surface and water.
Recommended rate 100-200 g/m2 of plant canopy.
Keep BRL Rock Minerals+ away from the tree trunk to avoid potential damage. For seedlings and small plants dig required hole and mix a handful (100 g) of BRL Rock Minerals+ into soil.
Plant seedling/small plants then cover with soil and water.
How to use BRL Rock Minerals+ on grass: Application of 5kg of BRL Rock Minerals+ will cover 50m2 of grass.
Apply BRL Rock Minerals+ by a generous sprinkling over the desired grass patch.
Grass seedThrow seed down, cover with a layer of soil, apply BRL Rock Minerals+, rake then water.
Application periods
Applications should take place EVERY SEASON to give plants the required level of nutrients for optimum growth and flower/fruiting output.
An average adult hand holds approximately 100grams.
Important information
It is possible to over fertilise and this can harm your plants, so it is better to use as directed and adjust as required.
Do not use on plants that prefer an acid soil. Example: blueberries, rhododendrons, camelias etc.
Opening instructions and storage
Open in a well ventilated area.
It is recommended to use a dust mask, gloves and eyewear for protection.
Store in a dry, cool place out of direct sunlight and rain.
Keep out of reach of children and animals.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Use of gloves, eyewear and a dust mask is recommended to reduce unnecessary body contact and inhalation. DO NOT consume or inhale. Although safe for application on crops it is not safe for human or animal consumption. DO NOT heap product as it could be attractive to animals and if consumed could cause them to fall ill. Rake through and water as directed. If accidentally consumed or inhaled contact your local Doctor immediately, do not induce vomiting. If skin or eye irritation occurs, discontinue use and rinse under cool water.